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Эл.магнитный клапан
Эл.магнитный клапан


Эл.магнитный клапан
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Дата: 10.06.2006 17:54
Просмотров: 2042
Скачиваний: 0
Рейтинг: 0.00 (0 Голос(ов))
Размер фотографии: 42.6 KB
Добавлен: Nox

Автор: Комментарий:

Дата присоединения: 21.05.2011
Комментарии: 5

Blizzard Entertainment is on the verge of releasing the third expansion for the behemoth that is World of Warcraft - Cataclysm. Promising a totally redefined experience from 1 to 60, as well as an additional 5 levels, new raids, new zones, a new profession, two new races, new race/class combinations and a redefined skill and glyph system, Blizzard are selling this as the biggest expansion to date. In this blog post I will discuss what I've discovered about some of the new content offered in the prequel event to Cataclysms launch - The Sundering - and whether Blizzard have truly redefined the player experience we all knew, some loved and some abhorred.
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21.05.2011 08:24 Offline xiayitiaos

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