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Дата: 09.09.2005 13:46
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Добавлен: zhdanick

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Дата присоединения: 15.09.2010
Комментарии: 10

A girl, small, often, physically delicate, each PE running last fall. This allows Victory strong heart, she was very depressed, and even fear of physical education. At this time, the girl's mother comforted her, "Never mind, you the youngest, can run in the final. However, the child you remember, next time your goal is: just before a recovery."
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"Just before a recovery," world of warcraft gold the so-called "enough a enough, peaches." No target has lost direction, do not expect it lost direction, do not expect it to lose momentum. However, the target is too high, expect too much of the results, not the powerless, is unfinished. Clear and feasible goals, real and modest expectations, can lead people down to earth, well-thought-of stride forward. - Excerpt from "Friends of Class" in 2009 the fifth
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Reading Comprehension: wedding dresses "only to recover before a" cardinal principles of the concept unlike other ugly it difficult to understand, the contrary, it is simple, easy to arouse the child's self-confidence and high morale, target is small but concrete. In achieving this goal, the child knowing no distractions, solid, seriously to do away with flashy. Children in a time of small successes, has been recognized and appreciated others will gradually become a big success, it will cause to make something big.
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15.09.2010 12:12 Offline ainiyess

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